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Submitting your abstract, tutorial or special session

Those wishing to present at PEMD Europe 2025 are required to submit either an abstract, special session, or tutorial proposition for consideration by the Conference’s Technical Programme Committee.

Your initial submission will be reviewed, and feedback provided by our TPC.

Authors of accepted submissions will be contacted with instructions to submit a full paper. Authors of accepted tutorials and/or special session proposals will be contacted to arrange calls with the Event Organising Committee Chair, Event Producer and Event Account Manager to discuss their tutorial/ special session.

Successful authors will have their paper(s) submitted for indexing on IET Inspec, IEEE Xplore and Ei Compendex, increasing citations and influence that extends beyond the conference.

We aim for a 16-week turnaround time from the conference end date to publication, providing all Authors submit the requested documentation by the deadlines provided.

Key dates

Abstract, special session and tutorial submission deadline Monday, 21 October 2024
Abstract, special session and tutorial notification deadline Thursday, 30 January 2025
Full paper submission deadline Thursday, 27 March 2025
Author Notification deadline Friday, 9 May 2025
Author registration deadline Friday, 6 June 2025


Writing your paper

  • Each paper abstract and full paper submission should be the author's original work and previously unpublished in the form submitted.
  • Please ensure the subject of your paper, tutorial, or special session submission falls under one of the topics in the technical scope. Sales pitches will be rejected.
  • Please prepare your full paper file using the full paper template below. This template is also available in LaTeX, please contact the organisers if required.
  • There is no maximum paper page limit, however, we recommend conference papers are generally 3 to 4 pages.
  • The working language of the conference is English.
  • Please leave enough time when writing your paper for your company or employer’s approval/review if this is required.

Before submission…

  • Ensure you have your full paper file ready, converted into PDF file format.
  • Please ensure you have read and understood the Assignment of Copyright terms.
  • If the paper is Crown or US Government copyright please email to request the appropriate publishing form.

Step 1: Register as a new user

  • Enter the online submission system.
  • Click “Sign up” and enter your email address/password.
  • You will receive a confirmation email containing a link to activate your account.

Step 2: Submitting your paper

  • Login to the submission system.
  • Once all fields are complete, you will receive a confirmation email containing your paper submission details and reference number.
  • If you are submitting more than one full paper, you can use the same user account.
  • Done!

What happens next…

  • Following the review of full papers, successful authors will be invited to attend and present their work at PEMD Europe 2025 by PowerPoint Presentation or Poster Presentation.
  • Successful authors must register to attend and present their work at the conference by Thursday, 12 June 2025.
  • All successful authors and special session contributors must pay the registration fee to attend the conference. An author registration covers a maximum of one paper, poster, tutorial, or special session contribution.
  • Each accepted paper or poster should have at least one registered author. The author must be present at the conference to present the submission or the paper will not be published.
  • The IET cannot meet any travelling or subsistence expenses for authors, either prior to or during the conference.

Thank you for your submission and good luck!

Personal data

Personal data will be processed by the Institution and its associated organisations for the purpose of organising your attendance at this event.

It may also be used for the promotion of other IET products and services and for contacting you for market research purposes. By providing us with your postal address, email address and telephone number you agree that we may contact you by these methods.

You can change this preference at any time by either contacting us by post, following the link on a received email or amending your preferences if you have a MyIET online account.