Keynote speakers

Consulting Engineer – VSC control, GE Vernova

Associate Professor, Universidad Técnica Federico SantaMaria

Professor with the School of Electrical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University

Head of PE Group, G2ELab

Deputy Director of Academics, Dyson Institute of Engineering and Technology

Jose Rodriguez Perez
Professor in Power Electronics and Director of Centre for Energy Transition, Universidad San Sebastian, Chile

Research Engineer, Toshiba

Development Engineer, Control Techniques

Power Electronics Engineer, Control Techniques

Engineering and Business Director, Turbo Power Systems

Ghanshyam Shrestha
R&D Technology Manager, IEC LV Motors Division, ABB

Director - Northeast, DER-IC

Director - Midlands, DER-IC

Nick Baker
Professor in Emerging Electrical Machines, Newcastle University, UK

Nigel Schofield
Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Huddersfield, UK

Marco Biasion
R&D Scientist in Electromagnetics, ABB Corporate Research, Sweden

Dragica Kostic-Perovic
Chief Engineer and Technical Manager of Global E-Systems Teams, Ricardo, UK

Mickey Crozier
Chief Engineer (Component Manufacturing Technologies), Manufacturing Technology Centre, UK

Pearl Agyakwa
Anne McLaren Fellow, University of Nottingham, UK

Hadi Moztarzadeh
Head of Technology Trends, APC, UK

Annette Muetze
Head of Electric Drives and Machines, Institute bei Technische Universität Graz, Austria

Krzysztof Paciura
Power Electronics & Electrical Machines Leader, Accelera by Cummins, UK

John Boston
Managing Director, Custom Interconnect Ltd, UK

Theodor Heath
Lecturer - Power & Energy, University of Manchester, UK

Daisy Deng
NUAcT Fellow in Electrical Power, Newcastle University, UK

Charlie Johnson
Senior Applications Engineer, COMSOL, UK

Mahmoud Masoud
University Teacher, University of Sheffield, UK

Panos Lazari
University Teacher, University of Sheffield, UK

Panagiotis Panagiotou
Lecturer, University of Sheffield, UK

John Dobson
Chairman, Matrix TSL, UK

Tony Smith
Laboratory Manager at C-ALPS, Coventry University, UK

Sahithi Siva
Subject Lead - Engineering Higher Education, Pearson Education, UK

John Reeve
Director, FluxSys Ltd, UK

Richard Lane
Electric Revolution Skills Hub Product Development Director, Coventry University, UK

Juliette Soulard
Associate Professor – Electrical Machines, University of Warwick, UK

Christopher Woodgate
Research Fellow, University of Warwick, UK

Andrew Hine
Founder and Commercial Director, Greenspur, UK

Matthew Swallow
Technical Product Manager – Magnetic Assemblies, Bunting Magnetics Europe, UK